
Oct 2022 – Present

P2P payment widget for emerging markets

In Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, Ecuador, Colombia, and other countries, cash is the primary payment method for rides. To address this, I created a widget for cashless payments, eliminating the need for drivers to share their account details. This solution is particularly useful in cases where integration with providers is not possible.

During the design process, scalability was a key consideration.
The widget needed to accommodate various languages, transfer details, and fare amounts across different countries, including those with different digit formats.

Customer portrait

Global passengers using ride-hailing services in a low-budget segment.


  1. Simplify and boost the share metric of cashless payments
    for passengers.

  2. Enhance visibility of ride fares for passengers to ensure
    clarity on the amount they need to pay.

Researching Brazil's
local payment methods

Our passengers have expressed discomfort with the manual entry required for local cashless payments during rides. To address this,
I conducted research on payment methods in Brazil, particularly focusing on the prevalent use of PIX.

I discovered that individuals share their PIX key, which can be their CPF number, phone number, email, or a random key, through messaging apps to receive money. The payer then pastes this key into their payment app and sends the money. The most popular option is a random key (chaves aleatória), as shown in the graph, with its popularity rapidly increasing.

Initially, our decision was to allow drivers to enter their random key. However, we soon realized that integrating directly with PIX would be far more effective.

As a result, we decided to apply this logic to other markets where integration was not possible but local methods were popular.

These countries now include Mexico, Indonesia, Ecuador, Malaysia, and Kazakhstan.


Our main goal is to increase the share of cashless payments. Therefore, our hypothesis was:

Easily copying and pasting transfer details to local payment apps will boost the share of cashless payment methods in a country compared to cash

Usability testing
to validate UX

We commenced testing in Kazakhstan to ensure clarity of design for passengers.


Widget with transfer details designed for global scalability

I enhanced price visibility for passengers and incorporated the ability to copy transfer details, eliminating the need for manual entry into banking applications.

Adding payment method details for drivers

Additionally, I created designs for drivers to input their transfer details to receive payments from passengers.


Coming soon…

Coming soon…

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